If you’ve tried out a big online dating website like idateasia.com, then you’ve seen that there really are some hot, quality women on there. However, just like out in the real world, it can be hard to figure out what to say to a woman to get an interaction with her going on the right foot.

Today I’m going to teach you an easy way to strike up a conversation with a woman online in 4 easy steps:

1) Don’t ’wink’ at her.

Match.com has ’winks’, Yahoo personals has ’icebreakers’, Facebook has ’pokes’ and you shouldn’t mess with any of them! These are all ways to show interest in a person without needing to write an email, or put any effort in whatsoever. These things make you look lazy and scared. Not exactly attractive traits for a man...

Attractive women can get literally hundreds of pokes and winks in the course of a week, almost all of which are completely ignored. So instead of lazy and scared, send an email that is ballsy and unique.

2) Don’t do mass e-mailings.

The first time I thought of doing this it seemed like a pretty good idea... Write one witty email, mail it to a hundred different girls and see how many nibbles you get. The only problem with this theory is that it assumes your profile and your emails are good enough to hook and reel in quality women. If they were that good, then you would be getting a 70-80% response rate like I get.

Also the kind of e-mails that women strongly respond to are HIGHLY PERSONALIZED, not generic emails based on cut and paste templates.

3) Find something interesting in her profile.

Women like it when a guy takes the time to read her profile. This shows them that you are interested in them specifically and aren’t just some desperate dude looking for sex. So scan her profile for something that interests you like maybe she brews her own beer... So you say something about a beer you love, it’s that easy.

4) Don’t act like you like her a lot and think she is so hot.

If you are emailing a woman on a dating site, then it’s OBVIOUS that you like her. Don’t mention it outright, if you do you’ll look a little unstable. That’s wussyish, not very smooth. It’s like saying "I want to kiss you" before you kiss her and looking for her approval... not attractive.

Do you ever notice how in romantic movies the guy never goes "Oh I like you so much, you’re so pretty, we have so much in common etc..." when he first meets the girl? You’ve got to leave it unsaid, let that sexual tension rise up and get her all hot and bothered.

Trust me, she’ll be way more excited about meeting you if you haven’t been kissing her rear in your emails.

How do you Attract an Asian Woman if you're an Asian or Not? Trust me, its all the same. If you use the strategies and tips I'll give you below, it's gonna be cake. Take it from a guy who can get Asian women just like that.
Philippine Pretty Girl
1.Stay humble in the beginning. You may be a cocky guy, or heck if you're not Asian and you're naturally like that, hey it's okay. Women love alpha males in general. However, you might want to learn how to calibrate and tone down that cockiness in the beginning.

2.Always be busy and have cool activities around the clock. Asian Women love a busy man. It shows he's industrious and hard working. Again, this is something that falls into the archetype of what she is raised in. Her father was an industrious man, and when she sees you're always on the go, she will find it intriguing.

3.Befriend her beta-male guy friends. Most Asian women have Asian guy friends. Some might act tough, but really 80% of them are really not. Befriend them, show them that you can be a bro as well. Take your time to show her that you can be a good pal to her friends and/or family members.

4.Don't be Pushy or Overaggressive. Here's the thing. With women from other races, they actually like guys who are persistent. Asian women are like cats. You have to build intrigue and make them come to you. Don't be pushy, don't call all the time, and don't be touchy feel in the beginning. Be confident and relaxed when you're around them.

5.Be wary of public displays of affection. As an add on to the touchy feel thing, you don't want to assume that she'll be completely okay with PDA. When you flirt with her maybe a quick nudge or 0.8 second hug is okay, but that's all you want to do. Again, make HER touch you by being chill, relax, and fun.


Traditional Wedding &Happy Marriage
Dating Advice for Men Over 40

Dating rules for men never change, what changes is the way to approach partners. At 40, when you have been in a marriage with kids, obviously, your idea of love now must not be just teenage romance or only physical intimacy. If it is that then reconsider your dating plans. If it isn't like that, then this article will be useful to you.

Drop the Customary Dates
You don't need to go to a movie like teenagers on a date. Mind your age and prefer a location where, you can sit with your prospective partner and talk. It's more about sharing then enjoying in amusement park or watching a movie.

Listen to Her
This you can rate as the topmost and eternal dating rules. No matter you're at 20, 30, 40 or 50, you got to listen to a woman, if you want to make any sense of what she is trying to convey you. And I'm not referring to passive listening. I'm here talking about active listening with you participating in it completely. Your partner might also be divorced or must be planning to divorce (if she is not single, obviously), then talk all concerns you both have. Shower her with love and care. If you're single but she is divorced, ensure you're supportive to her and you're also willing to take care of her kids. In case, she is younger than you and still unmarried, she may want lots of surety from you that the marriage will work. She might want to know why you're single at 40. Be ready with honest and frank answers.

Keep the Spark Burning Within
You might be in love with her persona or her looks or everything about her. Compliment her in elegance and style. Yeah, women love original compliments. You can also advice her on wearing dresses that will make her appear more sexier. Moreover, if you show interest in physical appearance, she will certainly understand you're interested in her. Being a bit naughty in your dates works wonders. However, don't overdo it as your age might not allow you too much naughtiness!

Discuss Priorities
At 40, financial issues are very important. Ensure that you both are clear as to how you will move ahead and plan your life. Discussing these issues in your dates will help you to know each other properly. Don't do these in the first few dates but ensure that you discuss deep questions after you're comfortable with your partner.

Physical Intimacy Matters
At 40, men are said to go through a sort of emotional and physiological changes. The male andropause that occurs between 40 to 55 brings hosts of changes in a man's behavior and sexual patterns. It is said men at this age become more interested in younger women. OK, signs of male andropause though haven't been medically proved to a great extent, it's sure that things do change a bit at 40. However, regarding sex, the couple should be very open about their expectations. By proper talking, discussing and staying healthy, couples over 40 can keep the spark of physical intimacy burning.

Online dating, although is very popular requires patience and lot of time from your side before you begin the courtship phase so ensure that you have that much time to invest. No matter you're searching dating tips for men over 50 or over 40, you will find love for yourself, if you search properly and have patience.